
Step 1 of 4
Collect Data


Step 2 of 4
Site Analysis


Step 3 of 4
Initial Design


Step 4 of 4
Complete the Plan

The Bubble Diagram

The general idea

The bubble diagram allows a designer to work with general areas and shapes. Use the extra blank copies from the site analysis to sketch up many different layouts and ideas. At this stage it is OK to not know specifics and details.

The bubbles simply define spaces. They offer a quick look at how a proposed layout would look and feel. It is not uncommon to sketch many bubble diagrams in order to find the right fit. 

Once a satisfactory general concept is achieved, the diagram will continue to be refined in the next steps. Spaces and locations will be honed and features may be added or removed.

Here are a few ideas and guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Bubbles labeled with any plantings should be large enough to accommodate the natural spread of those plants.

  • Small shrubs should be planned in bubbles at least three feet wide.
  • Leave at least six feet of width for taller shrubs. 
  • Bubbles with lawn in narrow strips or oddly shaped areas will be difficult to water and maintain.

 Here is a Bubble Plan Example for reference:​




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